Preparation of valuations for built and undeveloped land
The valuation of developed and undeveloped land (real estate) is helpful and necessary in a variety of business areas and life situations. It is important to know the value of the property to be inherited or owned in divorce and settlement conflicts.
Likewise, valuations for insolvency proceedings, foreclosure proceedings, lending (banks) and official procedures for the designation of redevelopment areas are indispensable.
In certain cases, it is also necessary to determine the value of residential rights, usufructuary rights and construction charges, etc.
We create valuations and evaluate rights and charges for the following real estate:
- agricultural land and undeveloped land
- condos
- Single and multi-family houses
- Investment property for investors (multi-family houses and residential complexes)
- commercial real estate and industrial buildings
- Office and administration building
The market value is determined on the specific key date, which is of interest for the respective application.
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